Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Old English Terminology essays

Old English Terminology essays Present days English language has changed in many ways in the past 350 to 1600 years. The way words are pronounciated and written have changed the most. I have chosen the subjects of sports and games because both have altered in both of these manners. By looking at the words I am going to describe, you will able to see how modern people have came up with our own way of saying the same item. Sports are now being called different names then when they were originated, but the games have almost stayed the same. For example, what we call two chickens fighting to the death is a cockfight. During old England, the called the same fight a Shrove Tuesday(www.regia.org/games). There were slight differentials though, in where kids would bring these angry chickens to school and the schoolmaster would control the fights. Some minor changes in the language were words like billiard, which was spelled billard (Hendrickson, page 23), or javelin, which was known as gafeluc(www.mun.ca/ansaxdat/vocab). Board games were also a favorite pastime of children and adults alike. The most played games were tafl (www.regia.org/games), which was virtually checkers with a few special pieces that had more options on the board. Tafl literally meant table. Brannantafl, hnefatafl, and hraeotafl were all variations of the special game of checkers, except there were a few variations of the rules de pending on where you were in the country. Chess, however, was by far the most popular game of the time. In the 1200s, it was spelled hchestafl(www.mun.ca/ansaxdat/) but it had the same rules that we use today. Other pastimes of the era included knatteleik, kingy-bats, and skofuleik, which were all violent versions of hockey and hurling combined (www.regia.org/images/Tiberius/). Some less violent sports played in about 1000 were swimm ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Sample English Speech about Life How to Be Successful after Graduation

Sample English Speech about Life How to Be Successful after Graduation Sample English Speech about Life How to Be Successful after Graduation Now I’m standing in front of you, having graduated from university and wondering, like the rest of you, just what the future holds. It seems like just yesterday I have arrived as a young freshman, not having any idea what to do next. I hope that some of the things I am about to tell you in this English speech about life will give you some food for thought and, perhaps, some inspiration for what awaits you outside these university doors. Manage Your Life after Graduation The best time to thÃ'â€"nk Ð °bÐ ¾ut thÐ µ life after grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n Ã'â€"Ã'• bÐ µfÐ ¾rÐ µ graduation. Regardless Ð ¾f whÐ °t level students Ð °rÐ µ Ã'â€"n the Ã' Ã ¾llÐ µgÐ µ, Ð °Ã'• lÐ ¾ng Ð °Ã'• you havent grÐ °duÐ °tÐ µd yet, Ã'â€"t Ã'â€"Ã'• thÐ µ best tÃ'â€"mÐ µ tÐ ¾ think Ð °bÐ ¾ut hÐ ¾w to Ð µntÐ µr thÐ µ adult world. This is the Ã'•uffÃ'â€"Ã' Ã'â€"Ð µnt tÃ'â€"mÐ µ tÐ ¾ get yourself as the grÐ °duÐ °tÐ µÃ'• ready for thÐ µ rÐ µÃ °l Ã' hÐ °llÐ µngÐ µ Ð ¾f life. Here are some tÃ'â€"Ã'€Ã'• Ð ¾n hÐ ¾w to manage lÃ'â€"fÐ µ after grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n: Choose YÐ ¾ur Career PÐ °th Mull over the aspects Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u Ð °rÐ µ good Ð °t and wÐ ¾rk at them. AÃ'€Ã'€lÃ'Æ' for jÐ ¾bÃ'• thÐ °t interest Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u or are rÐ µlÐ °tÐ µd tÐ ¾ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur field. Do nÐ ¾t rÐ µlÃ'Æ' on Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur parents’ or frÃ'â€"Ð µndÃ'• Ã' hÐ ¾Ã'â€"Ã' Ã µs. Dont lÐ µt Ð ¾thÐ µrÃ'• Ã' Ã ¾ntrÐ ¾l Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur dÐ µÃ'•tÃ'â€"nÃ'Æ'. Moreover, dÐ ¾ not let things juÃ'•t hÐ °Ã'€Ã'€Ð µn. Live thÐ µ life thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u want. TÐ °kÐ µ a lÐ µÃ °d. SÐ µt GÐ ¾Ã °lÃ'• LÃ'â€"kÐ µ when you wÐ µrÐ µ Ð °t the university thÐ µrÐ µ wÐ µrÐ µ deadlines, in real lÃ'â€"fÐ µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u have to Ã'•Ð µt goals tÐ ¾ Ð °Ã' hÃ'â€"Ð µvÐ µ what Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u want tÐ ¾ hÐ °Ã'€Ã'€Ð µn. ThÃ'â€"Ã'• tÃ'â€"mÐ µ, theres nÐ ¾ Ã'€rÐ µÃ'•Ã'•urÐ µ Ð °nÃ'Æ'mÐ ¾rÐ µ. You are the only one who is responsible for Ã'•Ð µtting Ð °nd mÐ °nÐ °ging Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur gÐ ¾Ã °lÃ'•. SÃ'€rÐ µÃ °d YÐ ¾ur WÃ'â€"ngÃ'• It dÐ ¾Ã µÃ'• not mÐ µÃ °n thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ tÐ ¾ travel thÐ µ whole wÐ ¾rld. It juÃ'•t mÐ µÃ °nÃ'• thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ to Ð µxtÐ µnd Ð °nd mÐ °xÃ'â€"mÃ'â€"zÐ µ Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur tÐ °lÐ µnt Ð °nd Ã'•kÃ'â€"llÃ'•. You Ã' Ã °n go tÐ ¾ other Ã'€lÐ °Ã' Ã µÃ'• to look for bÐ µttÐ µr Ð ¾Ã'€Ã'€Ð ¾rtunÃ'â€"tÃ'â€"Ð µÃ'•. Don’t bÐ µ Ã'•tÐ °gnÐ °nt. Spread Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur wÃ'â€"ngÃ'• Ð °nd flÃ'Æ'. BÐ µ Thrifty AlwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• put some mÐ ¾nÐ µÃ'Æ' aside. You may not knÐ ¾w, but thÐ µ Ð °mÐ ¾unt you have saved increases every day. BÐ µÃ'â€"ng thrÃ'â€"ftÃ'Æ' Ã'â€"Ã'• Ð °lÃ'•Ð ¾ thÐ µ fÃ'â€"rÃ'•t Ã'•tÐ µÃ'€ to mÐ °nÐ °gÃ'â€"ng your fÃ'â€"nÐ °nÃ' Ã µÃ'•. In thÃ'â€"Ã'• way, Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u will knÐ ¾w where Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u gÐ µt Ã'Æ'Ð ¾ur money Ð °nd where it Ã'â€"Ã'• going. You Ã' Ã °n uÃ'•Ð µ these savings Ã'â€"f Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ to buy Ã'•Ð ¾mÐ µthÃ'â€"ng you nÐ µÃ µd but Ã'â€"Ã'• Ð ¾ut Ð ¾f your budgÐ µt. MÐ ¾Ã'•t Ã'â€"mÃ'€Ð ¾rtÐ °ntlÃ'Æ', you Ã' Ã °n Ð °lwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• use this money during Ð µmÐ µrgÐ µnÃ' ies. Smile EnjÐ ¾Ã'Æ' thÐ µ real world. In Ð µvÐ µrÃ'Æ' lÃ'â€"ttlÐ µ thÃ'â€"ng you do, Ã'•tÐ °rt thÐ µ day wÃ'â€"th a smile Ð °nd Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u wÃ'â€"ll find that it is infectious. In the real wÐ ¾rld, your Ã'•uÃ' Ã' Ã µÃ'•Ã'• Ã'â€"Ã'• not mÐ µÃ °Ã'•urÐ µd Ð ¾n how many Ã' hÐ °llÐ µngÐ µÃ'• Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u have faced, but Ð ¾n hÐ ¾w you manage them. It doesnt Ã' Ã ¾unt Ã'â€"f you Ð °lwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• fÐ µÃ µl dÃ'â€"Ã'•gruntlÐ µd bÐ µÃ' Ã °uÃ'•Ð µ Ð ¾f thÐ µ trÃ'â€"Ð °lÃ'• you have endured. But it counts a lÐ ¾t Ã'â€"f Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u are Ã'•tÃ'â€"ll Ã'•mÃ'â€"lÃ'â€"ng Ð °mÃ'â€"dÃ'•t thÐ µ difficulties thÐ °t Ã'Æ'Ð ¾u hÐ °vÐ µ gÐ ¾nÐ µ through. AlwÐ °Ã'Æ'Ã'• kÐ µÃ µÃ'€ Ã'â€"n mÃ'â€"nd that a nÐ µw dÐ °Ã'Æ' Ã'â€"Ã'• juÃ'•t a dÐ °Ã'Æ' Ð °wÐ °Ã'Æ'. Life Ð °ftÐ µr grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n is hÐ °rd. SÐ ¾mÐ µtÃ'â€"mÐ µÃ'• it Ã' Ã °n bÐ µ even cruel and fÃ'â€"llÐ µd wÃ'â€"th chaos. But Ã'â€"f thÐ µrÐ µ iÃ'• Ã'€rÐ ¾Ã'€Ð µr planning bÐ µfÐ ¾rÐ µ grÐ °duÐ °tÃ'â€"Ð ¾n, there is nÐ ¾thÃ'â€"ng tÐ ¾ worry Ð °bÐ ¾ut. Life Ð °ftÐ µr graduation wÃ'â€"ll bÐ µ just Ð °Ã'• Ð µÃ °Ã'•Ã'Æ' Ð °Ã'• a simple piece of hÐ ¾mÐ µwÐ ¾rk. If you need academic expert writing help you can visit our speech writing service.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Different internet service providers (ISPs) Essay

Different internet service providers (ISPs) - Essay Example Other providers such as satellite ISPs have their strengths in being alternatives to lack of internet service providers in certain areas, where they serve to meet client demands, but at high prices due to infrastructure needs, which is not the case for DSL, which is cheap, but with increase in speeds so does the cost. It is with these different ISPs that even Ethernet delivers high speeds that beat all the rest, but depending on the base and client needs meaning that Ethernet ISPs are favorable towards clients who need high speed internet for file transmission and reception. Introduction Different ISPs have different qualities of services, which are as diverse as their services and speeds, as well as their reliably, where each ISP has its own quality threshold. With this in mind, evaluation of different ISPs and how they work, as well as their technologies need to be reviewed in order for a subscriber to make the best decision in choosing a provider. Ethernet Ethernet, for most users uses technology from Gigabit LAN, where LAN stands for Local Access Network and the network uses a high speed connection from one internet hub to another and to other computers. As such, the technology implements a number of protocols that are required to ensure that traffic is communicated as needed, where there are two bases for Ethernet. The first one is the base 10 and the second is base 100, while there is even a third base that has come up in recent times, base 1000, and with each increase in the base, there is more throughput of data and information through the network (Smetannikov 2000, p.78). Different service providers supply internet to different clients at different localities where Ethernet is supplied according to the demands of the client. As such, clients from recent times have made use of the base 1000 model to increase their throughput and even plan for future requirements as some providers are only consistent with the base 10 model. Consequently, the Ethernet int ernet providers make use of multiple base hubs to supply internet signals on different bases so that at any given time they are up to speed and meet the requirements of different clients. This happens especially in research laboratories that transmit and receive large amounts of data, making them targets for ISPs that use Ethernet for supply. The main problem with this type of ISP is the small size of the frame it uses, which in turn hampers throughput at high speed. ISPs of this nature provide the hardware or services that use small frames in data transmission, which result in wastage of clock cycles in the CPU, which is a negative consequent. However, if well managed with the knowledge of some of these internet service providers, then the throughput can be increased by moving larger files to allow for larger frames rather breakdown of information for transmission. The prices at which internet service providers place for this technology is based on how old or new the technology in play is, as well as the throughput of information. It is also done based on the bandwidth allowed for the entire network and links to outside networks using the ISPs infrastructure, which means that all traffic is measured and billed by the ISP. Problems in the network arise from the use of cables which lead to dropped packets, and this can make

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Argument Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Argument - Assignment Example This is because as long as cannabis may have the best chemical components to cure such disease, its’ negative effects are far much greater to be used as medicine (Affeld, 2013). Marlene bases her arguments on several medical researches indicating that, when marijuana mixed with special oil and applied on to the cancer patient, then its potentials to mitigate the growth and spread of such diseases work out. She makes conclusion that, this method is far much better than the use of chemotherapy. However, she has not given specific scenario where accurate evidences can be found. Besides, there is no adequate statistics showing the number of survivor who have since used such methods and succeeded. Similarly, the article has indicated that marijuana.Com, a website that steer-head the use of this drug posted that marijuana contains ingredient that cure cancer. More to the contradiction in this report is that, researches only indicate the confirmation based on research organizations such as the National cancer institute and Virginia commonwealth university department of pharmacology. However, there is no appropriate evidence where it has been used as an extract for medicine (Affeld, 2013). The state research institute (NIC) is also supportive towards the use of marijuana for medicinal functions. I dismiss this point, as outdated research since the right procedure to launch medical research analysis such as government involvement was not followed. For this reason, the federal government has maintained its stand that cannabis is still illegal in the United States (Affeld, 2013). While I do not support Marlene’s research concerning marijuana medicinal value, I may not agree to the fact that there are better drugs that are better alternative to marijuana. Legalizing such drugs in the United States may lead to initiation of groups that are always credible avenue to criminal dens. If marijuana can

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Response to Filipino Paintings Essay Example for Free

Response to Filipino Paintings Essay As we enter the National Museum of the Philippines Spoliarium 1884, oil on canvas A National Cultural Treasure by Juan Luna surprise us upon entering the hall. The super- sized painting depicts dark hollow beneath the Roman arena referred as the Spoliarium where the bodies of slain gladiators are being dragged away for disposal. For Luna, the lifeless gladiators represent the Filipinos during the Spanish period. Across the Spoliarium is the stunning painting by Hildalgo of The Assassination of General Bustamante and His Son. The painting depicts the murder of the governor in the hands of the friars and supporters and it was also inspired by true to life took place in Manila, year 1717. There’s also a whole room filled with Fernando Amorsolos sketches, paintings and memorabilia. At the center of the room is the Jose Ruiz Kariton Kathedral- a contemporary artwork representing the church and the reality faced by the faithful. The museum’s visual arts collection extends to the galleries on the second floor. It is in this exhibit hall where visitors view sample works of pre-war artists like Simon Flores, Fabian de la Rosa, Dominador Castaneda, Diosdado Lorenzo, and Felix Martinez. Together they are displayed side-by side with the works of contemporary artists like Nunelucio Alvarado, Nena Saguil, Romeo Tabuena, Jaime De Guzman, and Julie Lluch. These artworks show us the creativity of Filipino and we can also see the life of the Filipino have in the Philippines as every point of it tells history. Rizal interpreted the Spoliarium as a symbol of our social, moral, and political life. And so do other paintings, humanity unredeemed, reason and aspiration. Through these paintings, we can see the country’s norms before where many Filipino were slaved and murdered brutally. Comparing for today’s’ where life has an importance. To conclude, these works of art has continued to move direction in terms of innovation, since art is functional. The artists behind those paintings help our country to be known by their creativity and imagination giving us enhancements and emotions. It brings positive outcome to children and especially on students like us, motivating us to rediscover, to be eager on history of the Philippines, and to recognize well our own artists.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Importance of Military Ethics in War Essay -- War, Army, marine, I

Military Ethics War has always been, and will always be, a necessary action perpetrated by the human race. There are many different reasons for war: rage, passion, greed, defense, and religion to name a few. When differences cannot be solved or compromised through mediation with an opposing party and anger burns with a fiery passion, war is the last remaining option. Obviously, the purpose of any war is to win. How are wars won? Perhaps if we were to ask a member of the Defense Department during the early stages of the war in Iraq, his answer might be, â€Å"To win this war we must force the enemy into submission by means of ethical warfare.† If we were to ask a marine in the Second World War what he was told by his commanding officer he would reply, â€Å"To close with the enemy and destroy him.† (Fussell, 763). The member of the Defense Department and the marine have a common goal; to win the war. But there is a difference in their mindsets. The politician, safe behind his desk, has never experienced the fear and terror of being in battle. He has not seen the blood or heard the screams of suffering soldiers. He has not watched his best friend die in his arms after being hit my enemy fire. He is an onlooker, free to analyze and critique every aspect of the war from the safety of his office. He is free and safe to talk of ethics and proper war etiquette. The marine, immersed in battle, fighting for his life, can think of only one thing. Kill or be killed. When bullets are flying past his face and mortar shells are exploding all around him, he is not mindful of fighting ethically. Nor is he even mindful of fighting for his country. He is fighting for his life. To stay alive, he must kill the enemy, destroy the enemy. ... ...Ultimately, the way in which every war is won is by killing the enemy. That will never change. But the way in which an army goes about killing the enemy will constantly change due to ethics, new technology, new levels of hatred, and so on. There are always protesters to every war: â€Å"Stop the war! No more killing! Peace on earth!† Who doesn’t want these things? Do they think that the soldiers fighting for our country want to experience the horrors of war? Of course not, but if we do learn anything from history, it is that the human race will never stop waging wars on each other. People will inevitably die at the hands of war and the best that we can do is protect our troops at all costs, destroy the enemy, and spare as many civilian casualties as possible. I agree with General W.T. Sherman who said, â€Å"War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it.† (Fussell, 774.)

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Local Exchange Essay

When you send an email from New York to Japan, that email,is sent from your home to the local exchange point over the access network. Once it is in the local exchange it is then sent to aggregating points in different cities and counties over the regional network. Then it is aggregated and transported over the long-haul network so that it reaches the launching point at the country shoreline where it is then sent over the ocean network to Japan. Once there, the email is sent back over the long-haul or regional network to the local exchange and then on to the individual receiving the email. This occurs using mostly fiber optics so the speeds at which all this takes is at the speed of light which is approximately 127,000 miler per second. To understand how to interface with the local exchange you must first understand the different networks that comprise it. The first network being the access network. The access network is the network that connects the individual user or business with the telecommunications system. This is made up of a series of fiber-optic and copper cabling and passive and active equipment that connects you to the local exchange. The central office at the local exhange contains the switching equipment to direct your telephone, data , video, etc. to where it needs to go. The access network is very important to the local exchange since its the part that reaches the end user, who is you, and connects them. The metro network, sometimes called a MAN (metro area network), is where the information is collected from the local exchange of the service provider as well as other service providers and and then sent on to the regional and long-haul networks. The regional network, sometimes called a WAN (wide area network) is basically just a larger version of the MAN or metro network. This is usually the last point before the information is sent to the core network. The core network or long-haul networkis responsible for sending the information collected from the metro and regional networks over very long distances to the metro and regional networks of a different part of the geography, for example sending the email from New York to Japan. Because of the great distances this information must travel on the long-haul network these networks will be set up so that there is always more than one route to get to the destination point. Ocean networks are the most complicated and technically advanced  networks that connect different continents to one another. These networks are also the most expensive to install since optical fiber cables for these networks have to be installed on or under the ocean floor.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Forty-three

Eddard Through the high narrow windows of the Red Keep's cavernous throne room, the light of sunset spilled across the floor, laying dark red stripes upon the walls where the heads of dragons had once hung. Now the stone was covered with hunting tapestries, vivid with greens and browns and blues, and yet still it seemed to Ned Stark that the only color in the hall was the red of blood. He sat high upon the immense ancient seat of Aegon the Conqueror, an ironwork monstrosity of spikes and jagged edges and grotesquely twisted metal. It was, as Robert had warned him, a hellishly uncomfortable chair, and never more so than now, with his shattered leg throbbing more sharply every minute. The metal beneath him had grown harder by the hour, and the fanged steel behind made it impossible to lean back. A king should never sit easy, Aegon the Conqueror had said, when he commanded his armorers to forge a great seat from the swords laid down by his enemies. Damn Aegon for his arrogance, Ned thought sullenly, and damn Robert and his hunting as well. â€Å"You are quite certain these were more than brigands?† Varys asked softly from the council table beneath the throne. Grand Maester Pycelle stirred uneasily beside him, while Littlefinger toyed with a pen. They were the only councillors in attendance. A white hart had been sighted in the kingswood, and Lord Renly and Ser Barristan had joined the king to hunt it, along with Prince Joffrey, Sandor Clegane, Balon Swann, and half the court. So Ned must needs sit the Iron Throne in his absence. At least he could sit. Save the council, the rest must stand respectfully, or kneel. The petitioners clustered near the tall doors, the knights and high lords and ladies beneath the tapestries, the smallfolk in the gallery, the mailed guards in their cloaks, gold or grey: all stood. The villagers were kneeling: men, women, and children, alike tattered and bloody, their faces drawn by fear. The three knights who had brought them here to bear witness stood behind them. â€Å"Brigands, Lord Varys?† Ser Raymun Darry's voice dripped scorn. â€Å"Oh, they were brigands, beyond a doubt. Lannister brigands.† Ned could feel the unease in the hall, as high lords and servants alike strained to listen. He could not pretend to surprise. The west had been a tinderbox since Catelyn had seized Tyrion Lannister. Both Riverrun and Casterly Rock had called their banners, and armies were massing in the pass below the Golden Tooth. It had only been a matter of time until the blood began to flow. The sole question that remained was how best to stanch the wound. Sad-eyed Ser Karyl Vance, who would have been handsome but for the winestain birthmark that discolored his face, gestured at the kneeling villagers. â€Å"This is all the remains of the holdfast of Sherrer, Lord Eddard. The rest are dead, along with the people of Wendish Town and the Mummer's Ford.† â€Å"Rise,† Ned commanded the villagers. He never trusted what a man told him from his knees. â€Å"All of you, up.† In ones and twos, the holdfast of Sherrer struggled to its feet. One ancient needed to be helped, and a young girl in a bloody dress stayed on her knees, staring blankly at Ser Arys Oakheart, who stood by the foot of the throne in the white armor of the Kingsguard, ready to protect and defend the king . . . or, Ned supposed, the King's Hand. â€Å"Joss,† Ser Raymun Darry said to a plump balding man in a brewer's apron. â€Å"Tell the Hand what happened at Sherrer.† Joss nodded. â€Å"If it please His Grace—† â€Å"His Grace is hunting across the Blackwater,† Ned said, wondering how a man could live his whole life a few days ride from the Red Keep and still have no notion what his king looked like. Ned was clad in a white linen doublet with the direwolf of Stark on the breast; his black wool cloak was fastened at the collar by his silver hand of office. Black and white and grey, all the shades of truth. â€Å"I am Lord Eddard Stark, the King's Hand. Tell me who you are and what you know of these raiders.† â€Å"I keep . . . I kept . . . I kept an alehouse, m'lord, in Sherrer, by the stone bridge. The finest ale south of the Neck, everyone said so, begging your pardons, m'lord. It's gone now like all the rest, m'lord. They come and drank their fill and spilled the rest before they fired my roof, and they would of spilled my blood too, if they'd caught me. M'lord.† â€Å"They burnt us out,† a farmer beside him said. â€Å"Come riding in the dark, up from the south, and fired the fields and the houses alike, killing them as tried to stop them. They weren't no raiders, though, m'lord. They had no mind to steal our stock, not these, they butchered my milk cow where she stood and left her for the flies and the crows.† â€Å"They rode down my ‘prentice boy,† said a squat man with a smith's muscles and a bandage around his head. He had put on his finest clothes to come to court, but his breeches were patched, his cloak travel-stained and dusty. â€Å"Chased him back and forth across the fields on their horses, poking at him with their lances like it was a game, them laughing and the boy stumbling and screaming till the big one pierced him clean through.† The girl on her knees craned her head up at Ned, high above her on the throne. â€Å"They killed my mother too, Your Grace. And they . . . they . . . † Her voice trailed off, as if she had forgotten what she was about to say. She began to sob. Ser Raymun Darry took up the tale. â€Å"At Wendish Town, the people sought shelter in their holdfast, but the walls were timbered. The raiders piled straw against the wood and burnt them all alive. When the Wendish folk opened their gates to flee the fire, they shot them down with arrows as they came running out, even women with suckling babes.† â€Å"Oh, dreadful,† murmured Varys. â€Å"How cruel can men be?† â€Å"They would of done the same for us, but the Sherrer holdfast's made of stone,† Joss said. â€Å"Some wanted to smoke us out, but the big one said there was riper fruit upriver, and they made for the Mummer's Ford.† Ned could feel cold steel against his fingers as he leaned forward. Between each finger was a blade, the points of twisted swords fanning out like talons from arms of the throne. Even after three centuries, some were still sharp enough to cut. The Iron Throne was full of traps for the unwary. The songs said it had taken a thousand blades to make it, heated white-hot in the furnace breath of Balerion the Black Dread. The hammering had taken fifty-nine days. The end of it was this hunched black beast made of razor edges and barbs and ribbons of sharp metal; a chair that could kill a man, and had, if the stories could be believed. What Eddard Stark was doing sitting there he would never comprehend, yet there he sat, and these people looked to him for justice. â€Å"What proof do you have that these were Lannisters?† he asked, trying to keep his fury under control. â€Å"Did they wear crimson cloaks or fly a lion banner?† â€Å"Even Lannisters are not so blind stupid as that,† Ser Marq Piper snapped. He was a swaggering bantam rooster of a youth, too young and too hot-blooded for Ned's taste, though a fast friend of Catelyn's brother, Edmure Tully. â€Å"Every man among them was mounted and mailed, my lord,† Ser Karyl answered calmly. â€Å"They were armed with steel-tipped lances and longswords, with battle-axes for the butchering.† He gestured toward one of the ragged survivors. â€Å"You. Yes, you, no one's going to hurt you. Tell the Hand what you told me.† The old man bobbed his head. â€Å"Concerning their horses,† he said, â€Å"it were warhorses they rode. Many a year I worked in old Ser Willum's stables, so I knows the difference. Not a one of these ever pulled a plow, gods bear witness if I'm wrong.† â€Å"Well-mounted brigands,† observed Littlefinger. â€Å"Perhaps they stole the horses from the last place they raided.† â€Å"How many men were there in this raiding party?† Ned asked. â€Å"A hundred, at the least,† Joss answered, in the same instant as the bandaged smith said, â€Å"Fifty,† and the grandmother behind him, â€Å"Hunnerds and hunnerds, m'lord, an army they was.† â€Å"You are more right than you know, goodwoman,† Lord Eddard told her. â€Å"You say they flew no banners. What of the armor they wore? Did any of you note ornaments or decorations, devices on shield or helm?† The brewer, Joss, shook his head. â€Å"It grieves me, m'lord, but no, the armor they showed us was plain, only . . . the one who led them, he was armored like the rest, but there was no mistaking him all the same. It was the size of him, m'lord. Those as say the giants are all dead never saw this one, I swear. Big as an ox he was, and a voice like stone breaking.† â€Å"The Mountain!† Ser Marq said loudly. â€Å"Can any man doubt it? This was Gregor Clegane's work.† Ned heard muttering from beneath the windows and the far end of the hall. Even in the galley, nervous whispers were exchanged. High lords and smallfolk alike knew what it could mean if Ser Marq was proved right. Ser Gregor Clegane stood bannerman to Lord Tywin Lannister. He studied the frightened faces of the villagers. Small wonder they had been so fearful; they had thought they were being dragged here to name Lord Tywin a red-handed butcher before a king who was his son by marriage. He wondered if the knights had given them a choice. Grand Maester Pycelle rose ponderously from the council table, his chain of office clinking. â€Å"Ser Marq, with respect, you cannot know that this outlaw was Ser Gregor. There are many large men in the realm.† â€Å"As large as the Mountain That Rides?† Ser Karyl said. â€Å"I have never met one.† â€Å"Nor has any man here,† Ser Raymun added hotly. â€Å"Even his brother is a pup beside him. My lords, open your eyes. Do you need to see his seal on the corpses? It was Gregor.† â€Å"Why should Ser Gregor turn brigand?† Pycelle asked. â€Å"By the grace of his liege lord, he holds a stout keep and lands of his own. The man is an anointed knight.† â€Å"A false knight!† Ser Marq said. â€Å"Lord Tywin's mad dog.† â€Å"My lord Hand,† Pycelle declared in a stiff voice, â€Å"I urge you to remind this good knight that Lord Tywin Lannister is the father of our own gracious queen.† â€Å"Thank you, Grand Maester Pycelle,† Ned said. â€Å"I fear we might have forgotten that if you had not pointed it out.† From his vantage point atop the throne, he could see men slipping out the door at the far end of the hall. Hares going to ground, he supposed . . . or rats off to nibble the queen's cheese. He caught a glimpse of Septa Mordane in the gallery, with his daughter Sansa beside her. Ned felt a flash of anger; this was no place for a girl. But the septa could not have known that today's court would be anything but the usual tedious business of hearing petitions, settling disputes between rival holdfasts, and adjudicating the placement of boundary stones. At the council table below, Petyr Baelish lost interest in his quill and leaned forward. â€Å"Ser Marq, Ser Karyl, Ser Raymun—perhaps I might ask you a question? These holdfasts were under your protection. Where were you when all this slaughtering and burning was going on?† Ser Karyl Vance answered. â€Å"I was attending my lord father in the pass below the Golden Tooth, as was Ser Marq. When the word of these outrages reached Ser Edmure Tully, he sent word that we should take a small force of men to find what survivors we could and bring them to the king.† Ser Raymun Darry spoke up. â€Å"Ser Edmure had summoned me to Riverrun with all my strength. I was camped across the river from his walls, awaiting his commands, when the word reached me. By the time I could return to my own lands, Clegane and his vermin were back across the Red Fork, riding for Lannister's hills.† Littlefinger stroked the point of his beard thoughtfully. â€Å"And if they come again, ser?† â€Å"If they come again, we'll use their blood to water the fields they burnt,† Ser Marq Piper declared hotly. â€Å"Ser Edmure has sent men to every village and holdfast within a day's ride of the border,† Ser Karyl explained. â€Å"The next raider will not have such an easy time of it.† And that may be precisely what Lord Tywin wants, Ned thought to himself, to bleed off strength from Riverrun, goad the boy into scattering his swords. His wife's brother was young, and more gallant than wise. He would try to hold every inch of his soil, to defend every man, woman, and child who named him lord, and Tywin Lannister was shrewd enough to know that. â€Å"If your fields and holdfasts are safe from harm,† Lord Petyr was saying, â€Å"what then do you ask of the throne?† â€Å"The lords of the Trident keep the king's peace,† Ser Raymun Darry said. â€Å"The Lannisters have broken it. We ask leave to answer them, steel for steel. We ask justice for the smallfolk of Sherrer and Wendish Town and the Mummer's Ford.† â€Å"Edmure agrees, we must pay Gregor Clegane back his bloody coin,† Ser Marq declared, â€Å"but old Lord Hoster commanded us to come here and beg the king's leave before we strike.† Thank the gods for old Lord Hoster, then. Tywin Lannister was as much fox as lion. If indeed he'd sent Ser Gregor to burn and pillage—and Ned did not doubt that he had—he'd taken care to see that he rode under cover of night, without banners, in the guise of a common brigand. Should Riverrun strike back, Cersei and her father would insist that it had been the Tullys who broke the king's peace, not the Lannisters. The gods only knew what Robert would believe. Grand Maester Pycelle was on his feet again. â€Å"My lord Hand, if these good folk believe that Ser Gregor has forsaken his holy vows for plunder and rape, let them go to his liege lord and make their complaint. These crimes are no concern of the throne. Let them seek Lord Tywin's justice.† â€Å"It is all the king's justice,† Ned told him. â€Å"North, south, east, or west, all we do we do in Robert's name.† â€Å"The king's justice,† Grand Maester Pycelle said. â€Å"So it is, and so we should defer this matter until the king—† â€Å"The king is hunting across the river and may not return for days,† Lord Eddard said. â€Å"Robert bid me to sit here in his place, to listen with his ears, and to speak with his voice. I mean to do just that . . . though I agree that he must be told.† He saw a familiar face beneath the tapestries. â€Å"Ser Robar.† Ser Robar Royce stepped forward and bowed. â€Å"My lord.† â€Å"Your father is hunting with the king,† Ned said. â€Å"Will you bring them word of what was said and done here today?† â€Å"At once, my lord.† â€Å"Do we have your leave to take our vengeance against Ser Gregor, then?† Marq Piper asked the throne. â€Å"Vengeance?† Ned said. â€Å"I thought we were speaking of justice. Burning Clegane's fields and slaughtering his people will not restore the king's peace, only your injured pride.† He glanced away before the young knight could voice his outraged protest, and addressed the villagers. â€Å"People of Sherrer, I cannot give you back your homes or your crops, nor can I restore your dead to life. But perhaps I can give you some small measure of justice, in the name of our king, Robert.† Every eye in the hall was fixed on him, waiting. Slowly Ned struggled to his feet, pushing himself up from the throne with the strength of his arms, his shattered leg screaming inside its cast. He did his best to ignore the pain; it was no moment to let them see his weakness. â€Å"The First Men believed that the judge who called for death should wield the sword, and in the north we hold to that still. I mislike sending another to do my killing . . . yet it seems I have no choice.† He gestured at his broken leg. â€Å"Lord Eddard!† The shout came from the west side of the hall as a handsome stripling of a boy strode forth boldly. Out of his armor, Ser Loras Tyrell looked even younger than his sixteen years. He wore pale blue silk, his belt a linked chain of golden roses, the sigil of his House. â€Å"I beg you the honor of acting in your place. Give this task to me, my lord, and I swear I shall not fail you.† Littlefinger chuckled. â€Å"Ser Loras, if we send you off alone, Ser Gregor will send us back your head with a plum stuffed in that pretty mouth of yours. The Mountain is not the sort to bend his neck to any man's justice.† â€Å"I do not fear Gregor Clegane,† Ser Loras said haughtily. Ned eased himself slowly back onto the hard iron seat of Aegon's misshapen throne. His eyes searched the faces along the wall. â€Å"Lord Beric,† he called out. â€Å"Thoros of Myr. Ser Gladden. Lord Lothar.† The men named stepped forward one by one. â€Å"Each of you is to assemble twenty men, to bring my word to Gregor's keep. Twenty of my own guards shall go with you. Lord Beric Dondarrion, you shall have the command, as befits your rank.† The young lord with the red-gold hair bowed. â€Å"As you command, Lord Eddard.† Ned raised his voice, so it carried to the far end of the throne room. â€Å"In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, by the word of Eddard of the House Stark, his Hand, I charge you to ride to the westlands with all haste, to cross the Red Fork of the Trident under the king's flag, and there bring the king's justice to the false knight Gregor Clegane, and to all those who shared in his crimes. I denounce him, and attaint him, and strip him of all rank and titles, of all lands and incomes and holdings, and do sentence him to death. May the gods take pity on his soul.† When the echo of his words had died away, the Knight of Flowers seemed perplexed. â€Å"Lord Eddard, what of me?† Ned looked down on him. From on high, Loras Tyrell seemed almost as young as Robb. â€Å"No one doubts your valor, Ser Loras, but we are about justice here, and what you seek is vengeance.† He looked back to Lord Beric. â€Å"Ride at first light. These things are best done quickly.† He held up a hand. â€Å"The throne will hear no more petitions today.† Alyn and Porther climbed the steep iron steps to help him back down. As they made their descent, he could feel Loras Tyrell's sullen stare, but the boy had stalked away before Ned reached the floor of the throne room. At the base of the Iron Throne, Varys was gathering papers from the council table. Littlefinger and Grand Maester Pycelle had already taken their leave. â€Å"You are a bolder man than I, my lord,† the eunuch said softly. â€Å"How so, Lord Varys?† Ned asked brusquely. His leg was throbbing, and he was in no mood for word games. â€Å"Had it been me up there, I should have sent Ser Loras. He so wanted to go . . . and a man who has the Lannisters for his enemies would do well to make the Tyrells his friends.† â€Å"Ser Loras is young,† said Ned. â€Å"I daresay he will outgrow the disappointment.† â€Å"And Ser Ilyn?† The eunuch stroked a plump, powdered cheek. â€Å"He is the King's Justice, after all. Sending other men to do his office . . . some might construe that as a grave insult.† â€Å"No slight was intended.† In truth, Ned did not trust the mute knight, though perhaps that was only because he misliked executioners. â€Å"I remind you, the Paynes are bannermen to House Lannister. I thought it best to choose men who owed Lord Tywin no fealty.† â€Å"Very prudent, no doubt,† Varys said. â€Å"Still, I chanced to see Ser Ilyn in the back of the hall, staring at us with those pale eyes of his, and I must say, he did not look pleased, though to be sure it is hard to tell with our silent knight. I hope he outgrows his disappointment as well. He does so love his work . . . â€Å"

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Ruby Bridges essays

Ruby Bridges essays Ruby Bridges was the first black child to cross an invisible line and enter an all white school. She was just six years old when she first arrived at that school in New Orleans on November 14, 1960. On Rubys first day, a large crowd of angry white people gathered outside the Franz Elementary School. The people carried signs that said they didnt want black children in a white school. People called Ruby names; some wanted to hurt her. She stuck through a year of injustices and at the end, there were more. The lesson she wanted us to learn, when she spoke to us, was that there are always going to be injustices, but if we just get to know people, prejudices will no longer exist. Now, Ruby has established The Ruby Bridges Foundation. She has a website that you can visit at www.rubybridges.net. I think that Ruby Bridges is a truly amazing person. She was a very courageous girl, walking into that school and facing that mob. And, even more, she prayed forthem! "Please, God, try to forgive those people Because even if they say those bad things, Just like You did those folks a long time ago When they said terrible things about You." Ruby Bridges was a huge part of the history of the civil rights movement. What she did was an inspiration to many kids, parents, and teachers. She inspired integration of blacks and whites in the schools in the South. Today she is 45 years old, and she gives speeches at schools. She has even established a foundation to help underprivileged children become successful students. So, in conclusion, I think Ruby Bridges is a great inspiration to all children everywhere. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Tips to Write a Flawless Research Paper from Scratch

Tips to Write a Flawless Research Paper from Scratch Tips to Write a Brilliant Research Paper Students should never underestimate the education process and expect it to be simple. Every academic course appears to be a challenge no matter if you study in a high school, college or university. Students face tons of writing tasks and assignments of different types. Writing tasks have a great influence on the academic progress and define your final grade at the end of the curse. Failing the task means problems in getting a higher mark or completing your education. Students are assigned tons of different academic works. Research papers are probably the most common ones. Although we are all familiar to this type of assignment, a few students are actually able to come up with a flawless paper that meets all necessary requirements. In this article, we will find out what a research paper is and how to write a brilliant work. The Definition of a Research Paper A research paper is a typical writing tasks for students who study in high schools, colleges and universities. The paper refers to different grades and levels. It represents a scientific work where students are supposed to highlight their acknowledgment with the topic in addition to an in-depth research and analysis of the subject. The main mission is to stress the issue of the topic, explore it, provide argumentation and solutions to the problem raised. Although each research paper refers to different fields and areas, it features a typical structure. Make sure your paper has: An introduction. A thesis statement. Body paragraphs. Conclusion. Sometimes you may be asked to additionally provide an outline and reference list. Make sure you strictly follow all the instruction assigned by the teacher. Also keep an eye on the type of the paper you need to write. A research paper can be of different types. General Research Paper Types Although all research papers have the same goal when it comes to students writing challenges, they can be of different types. Each type boasts its own unique particularities. Make sure you have a clear understanding of the task. Otherwise, you will not be able to provide a high-quality content. Here are some of the main types of research papers students usually face: Definition Papers; Cause Effect Paper; Argumentative Essay; Analytic and Report Research Papers; Compare Contrast Essays. These are some of the major paper types you will have to write during the education course. Define the type of the project and you will define its aim. Now, lets get to the writing tips that will make it easy to produce a high-quality paper. Research Paper Writing Tips It does not actually matter, what type of research paper you were assigned. You will need all your knowledge of the subject in addition to exceptional research and analytic skills. A few writers can boast possessing such an award-winning combination. However, there are still some tips that will put an ease on the writing process. We do hope they will help you save some energy and time: Make an outline start planning your paper beforehand. Avoid writing your work 2 days before the deadline. Reserve at least a couple of weeks; Conduct a strong thesis statement every brilliant research paper starts with a winning thesis statement. Make it short and persuasive at the same time. Hook your readers up and highlight the main problem and argumentation of your paper; Take notes keep on writing notes every time you have some fresh ideas. They will let you make the text more lively. Keep them all in one place; Follow all the requirements make sure your work meets all established requirements. The slightest miss, and you are doomed to failure; Edit and proofread keep an eye on the slightest grammar and punctuation mistake. Ensure it is 100% plagiarism-free and well-formatted. If you still have difficulties in completing the task, you can opt for some more effective solutions like buying paper online from a proven company that delivers exceptional quality writing services. Who Can Help to Write a Research Paper? Students face numerous obstacles on the way to a successful education course. The lack of time in addition to dozens of regular assignments hardly put an ease on the studying process. This is where online writing services may come in handy. Choose only well-established websites with a good reputation on the web. Avoid amateur writing companies and opt for proven leaders in the niche of academic assistance.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How has information communications technology (ICT) changed the way Essay

How has information communications technology (ICT) changed the way students communicate & learn - Essay Example With civilization, humans have leveraged on technology to enhance their communication and learning. It is no wonder Bray (2007) acknowledge that in the current century, Internet and mobile technology have transformed the interaction, working and learning among humans. Just as other sectors of the economy have invested immensely in ICT in the modern world, the education sector has also invested in ICT in the recent years. Acknowledging this trend, the World Bank (2013) attributes this to the general ability of ICT to empower teachers and learners thus positively impacting on educational achievement. ICT promotes communication and learning among students thus presenting immense benefits. First, ICT enhances international collaboration among students. Bray (2007) observes that ICT is the reason for a more social modern society. Student tutors easily mentor students from other countries, the same way students from different countries effectively share educational information leveraging on ICT capabilities as documented by UNESCO Institute for Statistics, UIS (2014). This practice enhances and diversifies the scope of learning. Furthermore, ICT makes learning materials more available. The World Bank Group (2013) refers to access of information as the main use of ICT with regards to education. Indeed, UIS (2014) affirms the availability of open source textbooks and even teacher guides on the Internet. This enables students to easily access the required learning resources. Finally, ICT supports learning objectives. One of such objectives includes the acquisition of up-to-date informa tion that would make students resourceful in a practical work set-up. According to the World Bank Group (2013), ICT has enabled teachers to access relevant, timely and continuous professional development. This enables them to explore new knowledge base, developing new

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Addition of Steroids and Antibiotics in Food Research Paper

The Addition of Steroids and Antibiotics in Food - Research Paper Example This increase in production means a lot of profit for the meat and dairy product industries but on the other hand it is also risking the health of its consumers. FDA and USDA claims that these hormones (steroidal in nature) are free from any harm. Antibiotics which are also used in cattle as preventive measures or to increase the weight of the animal are also producing health concerns in the consumers of the meat and milk. Although the use of antibiotics is banned in Europe it is still legal to inject the low doses of these antibiotics in America and Canada. First we need to be acquainted with Hormones and Antibiotics and to what extent they can affect the health of its consumer. Hormones are the biochemicals produced in the body of human’s as well as animals. Even though they are released in small amounts they control the important body functions such as growth, maturity and reproduction. They are produced by special organs which function to release the hormones according to the requirement and proper timings of its release. This is called the feedback mechanism of the body which manages the amount of hormone released. If body’s requirement of the hormone is fulfilled, by negative feedback mechanism, hormone production automatically stops. Unfortunately, if these hormones are being consumed from any outside sources they can cause serious consequences as there won’t be any mechanism indicating the red alert for the overconsumption. Hormones can be of steroidal or protein in nature. Steroidal hormones remain active even if they are consumed via mouth. Whereas, protein hormones needs to be injected as they are destroyed immediately in the G.I tract (Gastrointestinal tract) by the action of acids and other secretions such as insulin hormone injections by diabetics. Hormones are being used in farm animals to increase their weight and by the use of growth hormones they grow much faster and to a larger extent. They also increase the weight of the animal even if the animal’s food consumption is reduced. In cows, hormones increase the production of milk. Approximately 22% of the Cows are being injected or fed steroidal hormones to get the desired result. Thus, the faster animal reaches to the slaughter weight, the more profitable this procedure becomes for the industries. According to European Union Scientific committee on Veterinary Measures Relating to Public Health, Potential risk to human health can be caused by the use of six types of hormones, including both synthetic and natural hormones. Natural include Oestradiol, Testosterone and Progesterone. Synthetic hormones are Melengestrol, Zeranol, Trenbolone. (Artificial Hormones, 2006). Estradiol and Progesterone are natural female sex hormone and Testosterone is male sex hormone. The other three synthetic hormones are used as growth promoters. FDA approves the use of these hormones in sheep’s and Cattle but not on poultry and Hogs. Recombinant Bovine Growth H ormones (rbGH) is being used in dairy cattle but not on beef cattle.( Consumer Concern about Hormones in Food, 2010) The Committee also put forth questions regarding the issue of such hormone injected animal consumption can cause any imbalance in human hormone system. However, FDA and USDA continuously ensures the consumers that very little amount is