Monday, January 27, 2020
Cooper Green Hospital Care Plan
Cooper Green Hospital Care Plan The case, Cooper Green Hospital and its Community Care Plan is a very interesting case, which tries to outline the problems that plagued the hospitals growth and the attempts made by the top management of the hospital to enhance its reach to maximum number of poor and undeserved citizens who were in dire need of medical treatment. This mission of CGH made it stand in front of constant scrutiny from country commission. Media and the community challenges about the quality of care provided by CGH limited its ability to attract patients with private insurance. For the first 2 decades the hospital face increasing budget pressures, cost overruns were a common phenomenon. The hospital was understaffed, under stocked and overflow with patients. Some of the major problems faced by the hospital were balancing cost with maximum access to care, managing employee within budget, performance and demand and simplifying procedures and aligning them with policies. The two plans are named as Health first, a traditional fee for service plan and the community care plan , a prepaid membership plan based on family size and income, which would give opportunity to the people to receive quality medical care for at affordable price and with less waiting time. In a scenario where there are constant changes in the US health care system, where managed care was altering how providers interacted with patients funding for care was restricted and many health care systems were using non-physician providers to cut cost, CGH had an opportunity and challenge to attract uninsured patients and outperform its competitors. In the light of all these issues, the question that posed in front of the top management was, is to move ahead with the expansion plans or hold and improve operational efficiency or give up altogether. Key Issues The hospital was understaffed, under stocked and was overflowing with patients. The major problems that plagued the companys growth were as providing affordable good quality medical services to the indigent population of deficient country, streamlining procedures with polices, managing employees and gauging their performances, declining revenue, decreasing enrollments and under utilization, no upgrading enhancement of technologies, indifferent behavior of some employees towards the patients, inability of the infrastructure to cater to the increasing demands of the out patients section, resulting in long waiting hours and frustrated patients. Situation analysis The top management needs to make some critical calls on some top level strategic issues. If these problems are not taken care of then the following could be the repercussion: Negative revenue Dissatisfied patients Thrown away by competition Loss of goodwill and mistrust among people Inability to achieve the mission providing good quality service at affordable price and enhancing access to care. Complete shutdown of the hospital Directional strategies The directional strategies are undertaken by the hospital to improve its position and enhance its reach and ability to serve maximum number of patients starts with the defining of its mission statement vision and goals. Mission statement CGH is committed to serve the residents of Jefferson country with high quality health care regardless of ability to pay (Copper green mercy,). The hospital strike to attract and maintain a dedicated and compassionated staff of professionals who believe in serving the society and seek to continuously improve the services and adapt to need the changing health needs of the communities. (Cooper green mercy,). Vision Statements CGH is the leader to an evitable and just health care system through excellence, quality, compaction and trust. (Copper green mercy,). Value Statements Some of the key value statements for the company are commitment to health and well being of those being served expectation, to achieve the highest level of excellence, understanding the vital importance of advocacy for those being served, imbibing creativity and innovation, recognizing the importance of working with the patients and the community and dedication towards providing high level education to health professionals. Legislative-Political Changes The Medicare program was established in 1965 to insure medical coverage for the aged and disabled. It then expanded to in compass other people entitle to social security or rail road retirement benefits and also people with end stage renal disease. Another provision allowed non covered aged individuals to also benefit from the plan. There are 2 separate programs for Medicare i.e. Part-A :- Hospital insurance (free of charge) Part-B :- supplemental medical insurance (against monthly fee) In 1997 Medicare as a whole covered 38 millions people utilization of Part-A and B was 87% of enrollees. (DeButts, 2010). Title XIX of the social security act of 1965 gave rise to Medicaid as part of the federal state welfare structure to aid Americas poor population. It allowed federal funding for state run programs. In order to provide basic health service including hospitals in patients and out patients service laboratory and X-ray services and physician services. In 1998 Alabama Medicaid program provided benefits to variety of population but the majority were for indigent women and children and elderly persons in nursing home. In 1998 15.3% of Alabamas population was eligible for Medicaid program. The balance budget act of 1997 brought a significant change for the Alabama hospital in the light of ALLKIDS programs. Economic changes Health care cost rose at twice the inflation rate from the mid 1980s to mid 1990s creating a 1 trillion dollars industry that accounted for 14% of the US GDP. By the end of century the health care industry had grown to more than 1.5 trillion dollar or 18% of GDP. In 1995 nearly 3 quarters of American workers were insured by HMO, PPO and POS plans up from only 27% in 1987. (The Economy in,). Social-Demographic changes By the 1990s Jefferson Country has become a diversified economy with industries spanning across various industries like Biotechnology, healthcare, engineering and financial sector. As of 1998, the Birmingham metropolitan statistical areas population was approximately 875,000.Jefferson Country population was approximately 652,000. According to a 1993 survey it was found out that 1/3rd of Jefferson country resident were uninsured. 12 acute care hospitals were located in Birmingham. In 1998 8 out of 12 hospitals reported experienced decline in admission, in patient capacity in the area exceeded demand in order to reposition themselves. (Johnson, 2006). To respond to this and other changes in health care environment many hospitals went in for strategic alliance like the Brook wood Medical Centre, Medical centre East and Lloyd Noland Hospital. The other hospitals spread across the diverse geography of Jefferson are as follows: Princeton Baptist Medical centre. Montclair Baptist Centre Brook wood Medical Centre Cooper Green Hospital Health South Medical Centre Saint Vincents Hospital etc. Technological changes In the 1990s there was an increasing emphasis on outpatient care driven by the need to reduce cost and improve technology that would enable more types of care to be delivered on the outpatient basis. The lack of capital resources with CGH to invest in technology enhancement, new medical renovation led to longer waiting time, patient frustration and declining enrollments. The shortage of examination rooms, clerks, nurses, waiting room space further worsened the patients experience. Sometimes the reason for this frustrated experience was the discourteous and uncompassionate behavior of some of the staffs with the patients. There were some staffs that were very dedicated and loyal and compassionate but some were not interested in their jobs and used to perform below the expected levels and show negative attitude to the patients. The administration made several attempts to improve the employee morale but it was of little use as there remained a core of negative people who demoralized other staff members and angered patients. Competitive Changes In order to provide good quality health care at affordable and fair prices to the poor and needy patients, the hospitals both Non Profit making and profit making should go in for a strong alliance and should complement each others competitive strengths and ensure to pass on the benefits of reduced cost, higher advanced technological developments, better quality health care to the indigent population. (DeButts, 2010) Internal Environment SWOT Strengths: Pool of talented and compassionate staff members who choose to work at Jefferson health systems and believed in its mission and enjoyed serving those in need. Turnover of the staff was pretty low High overall patients satisfaction which averaged about 90%. Patients recorded the most satisfaction with issues related to the health care providers. Many patients expressed their gratitude for the care they received. They often remarked as saying they would have no way of obtaining health care without JHS and God bless CHS. CGS was considered one of the safety net providers across the US because of its mission to provide medical care to the poor. Weakness: Declining revenue of the Hospital Majority of capital was funded and only 6% was operating revenue. With this low operating revenue, operations may become unsustainable in future Hospital was not able to attract patients who are not insured Resources are not adequately utilized Inadequate infrastructure to take care of the growing demand in out patients section. Opportunities: Managed care was dominated form of insurance in US and enrollment was expected to increase Change in the US health care system. Managed care was altering how health care providers interacted with patients, funding for care was being restricted and many health care system were using non physician providers to cut cost. This threw plethora of opportunities in front of CGS. Threats: Vandalism and violence Stiff competition in the health care segment Technological advancements along with insufficient capital Inability to cope up with competition in the light of technological advancements which made diagnosis of multiple problems possible and insufficient capital. Comparative strategies According to a 1993 survey conducted by CGH centre for community care more than 1/3rd of the resident of Jefferson country was uninsured. Many poor people were delayed getting necessary medical care because they had no health insurance. Some 48 thousand residents have been denied care because they lacked health insurances. On average health care was listed as the 6th most important issue. This unexploited segment of uninsured population gave an opportunity to CGH to cater to the demands of segment that top management was able to identify this niche market. In order to serve this niche market CGH and Jefferson country development of health (JCDH) established a working alliance in order to improve continuity of care for the indigent population. JCDH physician staff privileges at CGH. They also explored the idea of more comprehensive alliance but no plans could materialize before 1999. JCDH operated an extensive health care network to service approx 80 thousand people every year. Health care services were available to people at the cost of service based on their ability to pay. Seminars were also sponsored by the health centres on disease eradication and health promotion topics. Recommendations The following actions could be taken in order to resolve the problem faced by the hospital: Developing the infrastructure facility so as to meet the growing demands of the out patients segment, as the hospital was designed to take care of the in patient. Establishing strategic alliances with some of the top profit making hospital. Giving better training and education to the staff so that they can be adequately utilized Offer better discounted bundle price/package to the patients so as to attract the insured patients as well. This will help increase the number of enrollments and increase the patient base. Increasing operational efficiency and reducing waiting time in the clinic. Reducing the dependency on funding and establish more ways to generate operational revenue Investing in technological advancements and providing high quality modern medical facilities to the patients Implementation strategies In order to implement the recommendation the following strategies should be adopted Establish more number of CCP clinics which would take care of in patients demand and reduce the waiting time CGH can go in for a comprehensive alliance with top performing hospitals just like Brook wood Medical Centre, Medical Centre East and Lloyd Noland Hospital formed an alliance in 1995. Aligning with the apex health care institutes to provide high quality training to the staff Involving more non physician providers like registered nurse and practicing physician under the supervision of medical experts. Motivating the staff to work efficiently by addressing their monetary as well as personal requirements Increasing the synchronization among the various departments so as to reduce the waiting time. Giving better offers for both Health First and Community Care Plan to the existing uninsured patients as well as the new insured patients. This will enhance the revenue base and decrease the dependency on funding Attracting investors by means of more aggressive marketing initiatives in order to enhance the popularity of the CCP concept. Marketing Strategies In order to make the CCP success some marketing initiatives were undertaken which did not turn out to be successful A health fare was scheduled at the site of the first CCP clinic before its establishment but because of construction delay the clinic couldnt be operational several months after the fare thereby nullifying the impact of the promotional efforts. The primary approaches to marketing during the first two years were appearances by the top management and staff members at community organization, church groups, schools along with promotional materials placed within the hospital. The intention of all these marketing activities was to educate staff neighboring communities, social services, uninsured people, small businesses and other hospitals in the area regarding CCP and how to access the service. Word of mouth had proven to be the promising and reliable avenue of retaining patients. Due to limited administrated staff no one person was responsible for coordinating the marketing efforts. Before the commencement of the first clinic focus group were used to assess the membership plan but there were no service to assess the patient awareness attitude or understanding about CGH or CCP. Benchmarks for Success In order to ensure the success of the CGH in achieving its goal of providing quality treatment at affordable fees and increase access to care, following strategies/ actions should be adopted / executed: Increasing the revenue base by attracting more patients both insured and uninsured Taking advantage of the niche market of uninsured population Offering better compensation services so that the patients feel that they are getting more for less Educate staff members and train them properly so that the patients waiting time is reduced and patient experience enhanced Go in for strategic alliances with good profit making hospitals to get access to capital and make necessary investments in technology.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness Ronnie Corley, Travis Jackson, Tiny Elmore Sci/163 April 4, 2013 Dr. Wytisha S. Carter Health and Wellness Health and wellness are both major parts in our lives. Although health and wellness are keys in living a long life, a lot of people are ill, have unhealthy habits, are obese, and are out of shape. Three top elements of health and wellness we would like to increase in society would have to be exercise, eating healthy, and health awareness. Exercise is a good way to keep your body moving.There are many different types of exercises that work out many parts of the body such as push-ups, which works out your arms, and sit-ups, which works out your abdomen. Exercise is very good for working out the heart. Eating healthy should be number one, because if you exercise and donââ¬â¢t eat right, then you could possibly be canceling out your exercise with all of the excess calories that you are putting into your body. Eating healthy things, such as fruits and vegetable s in a balanced diet can really make a difference in the long run.Look at it like this, when you are younger, your parents use to tell you eat your vegetables and drink your milk so you can grow big and strong. Well as a young adult, you are still growing where old cells are diminishing, and you need fuel to continue this process. Thatââ¬â¢s what these different vitamins and nutrients are for. If you are not aware of your health or health hazards, itââ¬â¢s time to aware yourself. You have to be mindful of what you put in your body. Have you ever heard of the saying, ââ¬Å"you are what you eat? For example, if you eat a bunch of sugary foods, then you will get a quick sugar rush, and later on crash and feel lazy. But if you eat a serving of fruit, vegetable, and a couple more healthy choices, you will feel more energized and aware of your day. It is also a good idea to get frequent check-ups and physicals. This will let you know how your health is from a professional, and what better way to find out than from someone who went to school for it. Nutrition and fitness should stay an active part of our lives until we either pass away, or are disabled and canââ¬â¢t do task as fitness exercises.You can always get nutrition, whether itââ¬â¢s from food, all the way to pills and injections if needed. The best thing to do to stay fit while you are young is to get up and move. It is good to do at least one group of intermediate exercise a day, at least three to four times a week for twenty to thirty minutes. This allows your body to build muscle and maintain the muscle. Everyone is at risk for some type of illness or disease in their lifestyle. Three major chronic diseases are cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.Chronic diseases are no joke, but there are many ways and strategies to help you in preventing your chances and risk of a chronic disease. There are many types of cancers, such as lung cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer in males, and ovari an cancer in females. Lung cancer is a big one and its biggest factor is smoking. Smoke in tobacco products produce a tar-like substance, that when inhaled, can leave pieces of tar behind when you exhale. You can look at your lungs sort of like a filter system in your body that filters oxygen in and carbon-dioxide out.Now you have taken the liberty of adding carbon-monoxide to the filter, which kills, or cancels out oxygen. Over time this blackens the lungs and increases your chances of all types of cancer such as, liver cancer, and caner of the throat and mouth. Some cancer is hereditary and canââ¬â¢t be avoided, but lowering your risk can be the split between life and death. Diabetes is a very common chronic disease for both younger and older people. Thereââ¬â¢s type one, type two, and gestational diabetes which effects pregnant women.Diabetes is sometimes called the silent killer, because you will not know you have it until you are diagnosed. Diabetes is associated with hig h levels of glucose in the body. Blood glucose is essential for the proper functioning of brain cells. High and low levels can lead to central nervous symptoms such as dizziness, confusion, weakness and tremors. Strategies that you could use to try and prevent diabetes are eating healthy foods that donââ¬â¢t have a lot of sugars in them, seeing that one of the most main causes of diabetes is eating foods high and fat and glucose.Exercise always helps, so try staying active also. Diabetes can also be inherited, so itââ¬â¢s best to do all that you can to prevent it, in case it is a big problem in your family. Cardiovascular disease is also called heart disease. It is diagnosed when a substance called plaque builds up in the arteries. The buildup narrows the arteries, making it harder for blood to flow through. If a blood clot forms, it can stop the blood flow, which can cause a heart attack. Risk for cardiovascular disease is significantly high for people who are obese and smoke rs.If you are a smoker, then you can start reducing your risk as soon as you decide to quit. You increase your risk of cardiovascular disease as soon as you smoke a cigarette; it takes about fifteen years to fully reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease if you have smoked a cigarette. If you are obese a good way to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease is to put yourself on a well-balanced diet, and an effective exercise plan. This will reduce fatty tissues in the body, which in return can reduce your risk for the cardiovascular disease. It is essential to remember to eat healthy and donââ¬â¢t cheat on your diet.Also a good exercise could consist of anywhere between beginners to intense exercise at least three days a week, for twenty to forty minutes. There are many things about chronic diseases that we canââ¬â¢t change, such as heredity and environmental standpoints that would have too big of an effect in some way if changed. Take cigarettes for example. If the govern ment were to make cigarettes illegal, there would be many people who wouldnââ¬â¢t be able to take cope with kind of information. With that being said, the government will not make cigarettes illegal, knowing the fact that it kills and maims thousands of people every year.Our immune system is what keeps us intact and away from these harmful diseases that the world has unleashed on us. It is our defense mechanism for all of our systems organs and cells. We have to take precautionary steps on the latter of health and wellness. Try to stay away from mostly things that are tobacco products, anything that has too many calories, and of course anything thatââ¬â¢s illegal might not be good for you. Exercising and eating healthy is the sure fire way to keep your immune healthy and functioning as it should. ReferencesAmerican Heart Association (January 01, 2012) What is Cardiovascular Disease Retrieved from http:// www. heart. org/HEARTORG/Caregiver/Resources/whatsisCardiovascularDisease /What-is-Cardiovascular-Disease_UCM_30185_Article. jsp American Heart Association (January 01, 2012) Prevention and Treatment of Heart Attack Retrieved from http:// www. heart. org/HEARTORG/Conditions/HeartAttack/Prevention-and-treatment-of-Heart-Attack_UCM_002042_Article. jsp Jane Kelly, M. D (January 04, 2013). Diabetes Retrieved from http:// www. cdc. gov/media/presskits/aahd/diabetes. pdf Steven Edelman, M. D (August 12, 2008).What Is The Difference Between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes? Retrieved from http:// www. abcnews. go. com/Health/DiabetesOverview/story? id=3843306#. UVuHDFfvuk1 The American Nurses Association (December 18, 2012) Home Environmental Health Risk Retrieved from http:// http://www. nursingworld. org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Volume122007/No2May07/HomeEnvironmentalHealthRisks. html U. S Department of Health and Human Services (September 06, 2012) Environmental Health Retrieved from http:// http://www. healthyp eople. gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview. aspx? topicid=12
Saturday, January 11, 2020
In Broad Daylight: Message and Moral Essay
After hunger, sex is the most powerful drive in humans. In the event of non-fulfillment of this drive, one may turn to evil ways of life by which is meant resorting to actions not considered right and attendant with unpleasant consequences. Though the story ââ¬Å"In Broad Daylightâ⬠is not purposely intended to be a story with strong social message, its author, Ha Jin, unwittingly establishes a universal truth that evil begets evil. The term evil has two connotations, one at purely personal and individual level and the second at collective and societal level. On an individual level, human emotions and desires demand freedom of satisfaction. One does not mind defying customs and systems and wants absolute rights as a human being. Mu Ying, principal character of Ha Jinââ¬â¢s story and a lady past her prime, indulges in prostitution as she has been dissatisfied with the physical aspects of her relationship with her husband Meng Su (Jin 84). She pleads with other woman to consider her case on human basis (Jin 84). Physical gratification is a matter of personal choice but it comes into conflict with regulatory aspect of society which to promote a stable system denounces physical gratification outside wedlock and makes it punishable as adultery. The more primitive and backward the society, like China during times of Communist Revolution, the more barbaric the punishment. Mu Yingââ¬â¢s thrashing a red guard for not paying her money results in her public humiliation and atrocious death at the hands of Red Guards and suicide of her husband (Jin 88) ââ¬â evil begetting evil. The author Ha Jing has not raised any question of morality. He has simply described the incompatible conduct of a person and its disastrous repercussions.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills - 1931 Words
According to C. Wright Mills, ââ¬Å"The sociological Imagination is the ability to see the relationship between oneââ¬â¢s individual life and the effects of larger social forces.â⬠This means that individuals cannot always just solve their own problem sometimes itââ¬â¢s a society issue that needs to be addressed. Sociological Imagination gives us the ability to observe our society and how it is structured. We are able to learn more about how certain societies affect people differently. Therefore, we can study these individuals and understand what influenced their outcomes. An example would be our social class. An individual who is in a lower class society most likely did not have the same opportunitiesââ¬â¢ as an upper class individual. Going to collegeâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Both of my parents believed in me, which made me want to work and try so hard. They made feel like I was capable of doing so much. I wouldnââ¬â¢t be where I am today without them. My mo m never went to college and my dad never got the opportunity to have his ââ¬Å"college years.â⬠I have been fortunate enough to go to school four consecutive years and be able to have my fun ââ¬Å"college years.â⬠Unfortunately, not everyone gets the opportunity to go to school like I can or have parents to pay for my tuition so I wonââ¬â¢t be in debt. My parents never want me to settle for any job but I job I will actually enjoy wanting to go to. My family may have pushed me to go to college and to never take a break, but they only did that so I could be a successful individual and not have to relay on anyone else. I had the opportunity to visit any school I wanted and it allowed me to apply to my top three schools. I applied to College of Charleston, Rider University, and Rowan University. Unfortunately, my top school College of Charleston rejected me but it allowed me to have the greatest opportunity at Rowan University. I have seen people who I have graduated with try to go away to college to only come back home and sometimes have to start all over. I am not sure what I would have done if I was given the opportunity to go to my top school but I am happy with my decision to attend Rowan University for almost four years. As a senior at RowanShow MoreRelatedThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills857 Words à |à 4 PagesThe sociological imagination is simply the act of having the capacity to think ourselves away from the commonplace schedules of our day by day lives keeping in mind the end goal to take a gander at them with a new perspective. C. Wright Mills, who made the idea and composed a book about it, characterized the sociological creative ability as the clear attention to the connection amongst encounter and the more extensive society. The sociological imagination is the capacity to see things sociallyRead MoreSociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills969 Words à |à 4 Pages C. Wright Mills defined sociological imaginati on as the awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society. Understanding and being able to exercise the sociological imagination helps us understand the relationship between the individual and society. Mills focuses on the distinction between personal troubles and public issues. Having sociological imagination is critical for individual people and societies at large to understand. It is important that people areRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills907 Words à |à 4 Pagesindividual s life a person will experience what C. Wright Mills refers to as the trap. The trap alludes to a person that can only see and understand their own small scope of life. Their frame of reference is limited to their day to day life and personal experiences that are directly related to them, they cannot see the bigger picture. They do not yet know that the sociological imagination can set them free from this trap and as C. Wright Mills said, In many ways it is a terrible lesson; in manyRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills1315 Words à |à 6 Pagesââ¬Å"The sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. This is its task and its promise.â⬠C. Wright Mills writes about the sociological imagination in an attempt to have society become aware of the relationship between oneââ¬â¢s personal experience in comparison to the wider society. By employing the sociological imagination into the real world, individuals are forced to perceive, from a neutral position, social structures that, inRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills986 Words à |à 4 PagesMills Chapter Summary ââ¬Å"Yet Men do not usually define the troubles they endure in terms of historical change and institution contradiction.â⬠Stated from chapter one of ââ¬Å"The Classic Readings in Sociologyâ⬠which was based on ââ¬Å"The Sociology Imaginationâ⬠by C. Wright Mills. As our Sociology 131 class study the works of C. Wright Mills, we learn and examine his views. We learn how he view other things such as marriage, war, and the limitations of men. His view of war is that both sides playRead MoreSociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills942 Words à |à 4 PagesSociological imagination according to C. Wright Mills (1959) ââ¬Å"enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individualsâ⬠(p.5) Mills in this book of The Sociological Imagination explains how society shapes the people. Mills wants people to be able to use sociological imagination to see things in a sociology point of view, so they can know the difference between personal troubles versus personal issuesRead MoreSociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills Essay1611 Words à |à 7 PagesI SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION CONCEPTUALIZATION As conceived by C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination is the mental ability to establish intelligible relations among social structure and personal biography that is observing and seeing the impact of society over our private lives. Sociological imagination helps an individual to understand on a much larger scale the meaning and effect of society on of oneââ¬â¢s daily life experience. People blame themselves for their own personal problems and they themselvesRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills799 Words à |à 4 Pages The sociological imagination, a concept used by C. Wright Mills, is essentially the ability to perceive a situation or act in a much larger social context as well as examining the situation or act from many perspectives. In particular, it plays a paramount role in Donna Gaines Teenage Wasteland. It is a tragic story of 4 teens who together, committed suicide. The teens were deemed as ââ¬Å"dropouts, druggiesâ⬠[Teenage Wasteland 8.2 ] by newspapers and were still treated with disdain even after theirRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination : C. Wright Mills1822 Words à |à 8 PagesC. Wright Mills defines the sociological imagination as, ââ¬Å"what they need, and what they feel they need, is a quality of mind that will help them to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselvesâ⬠. Mills also says that the sociological imagination enables us to grasp history and biography and the relations between the two within society. When I read Chapter One: The Promise from C. WrightRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination, By C. Wright Mills1692 Words à |à 7 Pagesentire life, can be determined by examining his or her intellect, high school performance, and talents. However, C. Wright Mills proposes a new approach to this idea in his work, ââ¬Å"The Promise.â⬠Mills presents an idea known as the sociological imagination, which examines society on a larger scale to better grasp an individualââ¬â¢s life circumstances (Mills 2). The sociological imagination examines the role of social forces on the lives of individuals (Butler-Sweet, September 5, 2017). For example,
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